The Student Society of Department Biomedical Engineering of Easwari
Engineering College have organized the Guest Lecture on the Topic ““Role of
Biomaterials In Rehabilitation Engineering” on 01.11.2023 between 11.00 am to
12.30 pm for third year Biomedical Engineering Students.
Dr.G.Babu , HOD/BME was the convenor and Mr.S.Sathish, AP/BME was
the co-convenor
This guest lecture on “Role of Biomaterials in Rehabilitation Engineering”
proved to be an insightful and informative session. The exposure to these
innovative ideas is expected to inspire the students to develop deeper into
research endeavors and contribute meaningfully to the advancement of health
We thank the Honorable Chairman, Respected Co- Chairman, Principal, VP
Academic and VP Administration and the management team for their constant
encouragement and support.