The Department of Biomedical Engineering�in association with ISTE of
Easwari Engineering College had organized the Guest Lecture on the topic
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Image Processing on 13.10.2023 between 10.30
am to 12.00 pm for Final Year Students
Dr. U Snekhalatha, Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
SRMIST was the resource person. Dr.G.Babu , HOD/BME, and Dr. R Ramdoss,
Prof/mech were the convenors for the event. The coordinators are Mrs.R.K Ahalya,
AP/BME & Mrs.K.Shruthi , AP/BME.
The Resource person explained about the application of Aritifical
Intelligence in Medical Image Processing and also discussed the automated
detection of cystitis in ultrasound images using various machine learning and deep
learning techniques.
We thank the Honorable Chairman, Respected Co- Chairman, Principal, VP
Academic and VP Administration and the management team for their constant
encouragement and support.