
S.No.2023Conference/ Journal
1R.K. Ahalya, U. Snekhalatha, Varun Dhanraj, Automated segmentation and classification of hand thermal images in rheumatoid arthritis using machine learning algorithms: A comparison with quantum machine learning technique, Journal of Thermal Biology, Volume 111, 2023, 103404, ISSN 0306-4565, (SCI, IF = 3.189)Journal
2Ahalya RK, Snekhalatha U , Palani Thanarai Krishnan, Hybrid AI model for the detection of Rheumatoid Arthritis from hand radiographs- Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, World Scientific (Scopus), 2023,
3R. K. Ahalya and L. u. Snekha, “Integrated Xception- Random Forest Model for the Detection of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hand Thermograms,” 2023 IEEE 12th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), Bhopal, India, 2023, pp. 829-832, doi: 10.1109/CSNT57126.2023.10134685.Conference
S.No.2022Conference/ Journal
1Dr. Babu G, Manikandan, T., et al. “Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Despeckling in Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transformed Ultrasound Pictures.” Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 35.3 (2023): 2755-2771, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022. 030497Journal
2Dr. Banuvathy R, Rajakumar, B., Varadhan, S.K.M. Evidence to support the mechanical advantage hypothesis of grasping at low force levels. Scientific Reports 12, 20834 (2022),
3Dr. Banuvathy R, Rajakumar, Banuvathy, and VaradhanSkm. “Datasets of fingertip forces while grasping a handle with unsteady thumb platform.” Scientific Data 9.1 (2022): 1-15,
4Dr. Banuvathy R, Rajakumar, Banuvathy, Swarnab Dutta, and S. K. M. Varadhan. “Support for mechanical advantage hypothesis of grasping cannot be explained only by task mechanics.” Scientific Reports 12.1 (2022),
5Dr. Suresh ChanderKapali, B, Kala, K., et al. “A new framework for object detection using fastcnn-Naïve Bayes classifier for remote sensing image extraction.” Earth Science Informatics 15.3 (2022): 1779-1787.Conference
6Dr. Banuvathy R, Rajakumar, Banuvathy, and S. K. M. Varadhan. “Comparable Safety Margins of the Ulnar Fingers When the Thumb Remains on an Unsteady Slider.” Recent Advances in Applied Mechanics. Springer, Singapore, 2022. 261-274.Conference Proceedings (published as book chapter)
7Dr. Suresh ChanderKapali B, Kapali, B. Suresh Chander, and Ushus S. Kumar. “Speech Recovery Device Through Electrotactile Stimulation Using FSR Technique.” 2022 8th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS). IEEE, 2022.Conference
8Ahalya RK, Umapathy S, Krishnan PT, Joseph Raj AN. Automated evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis from hand radiographs using Machine Learning and deep learning techniques. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2022; 236(8):1238-1249. doi:10.1177/09544119221109735 (SCI, IF = 1.763)Journal
9R. K. Ahalya, U. Snekhalatha; Deep learning model for the estimation of Rheumatoid arthritis in hand radiographs. AIP Conference Proceedings 25 April 2023; 2603 (1): 020004.
10Dr. Yamuna Devi K, Devi, K. Yamuna, and M. Sasikala. “Labeling and clustering-based level set method for automated segmentation of lung tumor stages in CT images.” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12.2 (2021): 2299-2309.Journal
11Dr. Banuvathy R, Banuvathy, Rajakumar, and S. K. M. Varadhan. “Distinct behavior of the little finger during the vertical translation of an unsteady thumb platform while grasping.” Scientific reports 11.1 (2021),
12Dr. Babu G, Babu, G., and M. Soniya. “IoT based Intelligent Car Security System using IRIS image features.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1916. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2021, DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1916/1/012195Journal
13Dr. Babu G, Babu G, Dharun K, Keerthana D “Nanobots for Cancer Immuno-therapy”. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2021), DOI 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2021.0903190.Journal
14Dr. Babu G,Aaqib, S. M., Indumathi, C. P., Wedpathak, G. S., & Babu, G. (2021). A neural network based machine learning model in digital health care for wait-time prediction. Materials Today: Proceedings, DOI 10.1016/J.MATPR.
15Dr. Babu G, Babu, G., et al. “Enhanced SURF-and Wavelet-Based Underwater Image Stitching.” Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. Springer, Singapore, 2021. 351-359.Conference
16Dr. Babu G, Babu, G., and R. Sivakumar. “2D MRI intermodal hybrid brain image fusion using stationary wavelet transform.” International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 32.2 (2020): 123-143, DOI: 10.1504/IJBET.202 0.10027364Journal
17Dr. Banuvathy R, Rajakumar, Banuvathy, and S. K. M. Varadhan. “Comparable behaviour of ring and little fingers due to an artificial reduction in thumb contribution to hold objects.” PeerJ 8 (2020): e9962,
18Dr. Babu G. “Despeckle Ultrasonic Image using Anisotropic Diffusion Complex Wavelet Transform.”2020 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005 – 4238 IJAST, Vol. 29, No. 04, (2020), pp. 7580-7587Journal
19Dr. Babu G. “Improved DNA Microarray Spot Finder for Memory Loss Detection.”2019 9th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering 2019.Conference
20Dr. Babu G. “Underwater Image Denoising using Wiener and Fuzzy Filter.”2020 International Conference on Research Advancements and Challenges in Engineering Sciences (ICRACE ’20).Conference
21Dr. Suresh ChanderKapali B, Nivetha, T., B. Suresh ChanderKapali, and S. P. Shally. “Video-Object Detection using Background Subtraction in Spartan 3 FPGA Kit.” 2020 7th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS). IEEE, 2020.Conference
22Dr. Suresh ChanderKapali B, Kapali, B., and S. Muttan. “Diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction in human blood using non-invasive method: infra-red light emitting diode technique.” Cluster Computing 22.6 (2019): 13635-13644.Conference
23Dr. Suresh ChanderKapali B, Raju, M. Karthik, et al. “Isolation, Characterization and Sequencing of Lactobacillus from the Oral and Fecal Samples of Healthy Dogs.” Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 11.11 (2018): 5061-5065.Journal
24Dr. Babu G,Premawathi, M., G. Babu, and R. Sivakumar. “Improved Image Segmentation Model On Complex Curves Using Parametric Approaches”, ISSN: 0976-1353 Volume 25 Issue 5 – APRIL 2018 (Special Issue)Journal
25Dr. Suresh ChanderKapali B, Lakshmi, A. Mohana, et al. “Treatment for Scoliosis Using Pneumatic Control System.” International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7.2.24 (2018): 1-3.Journal
26Dr. Babu G, Gopal, Babu, and Sivakumar Rajagopal. “Localization of neurodegenerative brain MRI image for gene expression evaluation.” Biomed Res India 28 (2017): 539-548.Journal
27Dr. Babu G, Babu G, Sivakumar R, Evangeline, “Classification of Multimodal Sensor Medical Images Based on Image Fusion using Wavelet Transform”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,ISSN 0974-2115,Special Issue 11, pp 82-88.Journal
28Dr. Babu G, Babu, G., and R. Sivakumar. “Comparative Analysis of MRI-PET Brain Image Fusion Using Discrete Wavelet Transform.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Graphics and Signal Processing. 2017.Conference
29Dr. Babu G. “Brain Tumor Detection Using Image Fusion Based on Fuzzy Logic and Wavelet Transform.” 2017 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICRTET ’17.Conference
30Dr. Babu G. “Classification of Multimodal Sensor Medical Images Based on Image Fusion using Wavelet Transform.”2017 InternationalConferenceonInnovationsAndChallengesInEngineeringAndTechnology-ICICET’17, pp.1-8.Conference
31Dr. Babu G. “Medical Image Fusion by PCA method and implementation on FPGA.”2016 InternationalJournalofEmergingTrendsinScienceandTechnology, ISSN 2348-9480
Vol. 3, Issue 5, pp. 800-806.
32Dr. Babu G. “A Novel Approach for FPGA Implementation of Pixel Level Image Fusion.”2016 InternationalJournalofAdvanced andInnovativeResearch, ISSN 2278-7844
Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 127-133.
33Dr. Babu G. “AProposedMethodof SARImageFusion.”2016 International Conference On Engineering A Digital Green Era 2016,Conference
34Dr. Babu G. “BrainTumorClassificationUsingANFIS.” 2016 International Conference On Engineering A Digital Green Era 2016.Conference
35Ahalya R.K, Naveen S, and Dr.R.S.Moni, “A Robust Method for Multimodal Face Recognition using 2DPCA, DCT and Polynomial Coefficients ”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT), Vol.4, No.7, July 2016, Page No: 27-31, ISSN: 2321-9637Journal
36Ahalya R.K, Naveen S, and Dr.R.S.Moni, “3D Face Recognition System using LBP and Polynomial Coefficients”, International Conference on Signal Processing & Advanced Communication ’16 (SPAAC’16), August 2016, Publisher: McGraw HillConference
37S. Naveen, R. K. Ahalya and R. S. Moni, “Multimodal face recognition using spectral transformation by LBP and polynomial coefficients,” 2016 International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (ComNet), Thiruvananthapuram, India, 2016, pp. 13-17, doi: 10.1109/CSN.2016.7823978 (Scopus)Conference
38Dr. Babu G. “FastComputationforDigitalImageRegistrationandperformanceevaluationusingparallel
Computation.”2015 IJICSE International Journal of Inventions in Computer Science and Engineering, ISSN 2348-3539 Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 7-11.
39Dr. Babu G, Hemalatha, K. H., G. Babu, and R. Sivakumar. “Lesion Area Detection (LAD) using super pixel segmentation.” Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8.15 (2015): 1-6.Conference
40Dr. Babu G, Babu, G., R. Sivakumar, and B. Praveena. “Design of spatial filter for fused CT and MRI brain images.” 2015 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems. IEEE, 2015.Conference
41Dr. Suresh ChanderKapali B, Thenmozhi, R., Balasubramanian Kabali, and Suresh ChanderKapali. “Effect of administrative stress on mental health in a group of office workers-Across sectional study.” 2014 International Conference on Science Engineering and Management Research (ICSEMR). IEEE, 2014.Conference
42Dr. Babu G. “Mutual Information based Medical Image Registration for Accurate Feature Extraction.” 2013 InternationalConferenceonPatternRecognitionApplicationsandTechniques.IEEE,2013Conference
43Dr. Babu G. “Statistical Analysis of MRI Brain Image Segmentation for spotting tumors.”2013 InternationalConferenceonFuturisticTrendsinElectronicsEngineering. IEEE,2013Conference
44Dr. Babu G. “Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement based on Interpolation of wavelet domain.”2013 2nd National Conference on Expanding Horizon in Computer, Information Technology, Telecommunication, ElectricalandElectronics.Conference

1A Collapsible and Portable Lactation Module for Mothers06.03.2020Dr G. Babu
2Smart Sanitation Robot Vehicle22.05.2020Dr G. Babu
3A System and Method of Invariant Feature Based Brain Tumor Detection and Classification using Yolo and R-CNN05.06.2020Dr G. Babu
4An Analytical Method for Health Risk Prediction of a Patient’s Health in
Real Time using Machine Learning
05.06.2020Dr G. Babu
5A Novel Robotic assisted palpation method for prostate cancer detection19.03.2021Dr G. Babu
6Rechargeable wireless sensor networks with multiples links16.04.2021Dr G. Babu
7Lung Pulmonary disease with Covid-19 infection identification and classification using IoT28.09.2021Dr G. Babu
8Identifying Arrhythmias with Effective Mining Algorithms From Heterogeneous
Biomedical Records
01.07.2022Dr G. Babu
9Lung Pulmonary Disease With Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Identification And Classification28.09.2021Mrs Shruthi
10Machine Learning Based Water Quality Management System Using Iot29.06.2022Mrs Shruthi
11An IoT approach for Wireless Sensor Networks applied to E-health Environmental Monitoring22.11.2022Mrs Shruthi
12A System and Method for Prediction of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hand Thermal Images17-02-2023Mrs. Ahalya R K
13A System and Method for Predicting Retinopathy of Prematurity24-02-2023Mrs. Ahalya R K

Natural Language ProcessingObject Oriented Analysis and DesignSoftware Engg.
Wireless Sensor NetworksNetwork SecurityWireless Body Area Networks
Data miningImage ProcessingBig Data Analytics

YearName of the funding agencyCategory(project/seminar/workshop)Amount
2009-2010AICTERPS Project- Establishing Pervasive computing EnvironmentRs. 8 Lakhs
2009-2010AICTERPS Project – Automated RFID based location tracking system”Rs.7.5 Lakhs
2012-2014AICTERPS Project-Dynamic Monitoring of Pollution Hotspot using VANETRs. 5 Lakhs
2018DST-DDPDesign and Development of Communicating
Devices as a Teaching Aid for Hard
Hearing Community
Rs.16.49 Lakhs
2017-18TNSCSTProviding a friendly e-health care environment to rural woman during pregnancy and child growthRs.9000
2018-19TNSCSTAn imperative aid that assists the dyslexic to readRs.7500
2018IETWorkshop on “Big Data Analytics”Rs.13000
2018IETWorkshop on “Intelligent Transport Systems”Rs.16000
Total Grants ReceivedRs.37.42 Lakhs

1Online Bus Ticket Booking and Management SystemMettur Travels2009-20125.05 Lakhs
2Order Management SolutionsGood Food2010-20122 Lakhs
3Integrated Management SolutionsSpace Interio Decors2010-20122 Lakhs
4Inventory Management SystemMiti Electronics2009-20125.1 Lakhs

TitlesVolumesNational National / InternationalNational
2022-2023 1074131310511721188118

1A Collapsible and Portable Lactation Module for Mothers06.03.2020Dr G. Babu
2Smart Sanitation Robot Vehicle22.05.2020Dr G. Babu
3A System and Method of Invariant Feature Based Brain Tumor Detection and Classification using Yolo and R-CNN05.06.2020Dr G. Babu
4An Analytical Method for Health Risk Prediction of a Patient’s Health in
Real Time using Machine Learning
05.06.2020Dr G. Babu
5A Novel Robotic assisted palpation method for prostate cancer detection19.03.2021Dr G. Babu
6Rechargeable wireless sensor networks with multiples links16.04.2021Dr G. Babu
7Lung Pulmonary disease with Covid-19 infection identification and classification using IoT28.09.2021Dr G. Babu
8Identifying Arrhythmias with Effective Mining Algorithms From Heterogeneous
Biomedical Records
01.07.2022Dr G. Babu
9Lung Pulmonary Disease With Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Identification And Classification28.09.2021Mrs Shruthi
10Machine Learning Based Water Quality Management System Using Iot29.06.2022Mrs Shruthi
11An IoT approach for Wireless Sensor Networks applied to E-health Environmental Monitoring22.11.2022Mrs Shruthi
12A System and Method for Prediction of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hand Thermal Images17-02-2023Mrs. Ahalya R K
13A System and Method for Predicting Retinopathy of Prematurity24-02-2023Mrs. Ahalya R K
Admission Open 2025
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