Event Title : Guest Lecture on “Navigating your path: Strategies for Landing a Core Company”
Date : 27.04.2024
Time : 10 am to 11 am
Venue : Mechanical Seminar Hall
Event Convenor : Dr. S. Prasanna Raj Yadav, HOD/Mech.
Dr. M.Nareshbabu, Asso. Prof. / Mech.,
Dr.K.Thavasilingam, AP / Mech.
Event Coordinator: Dr. A. Praveen Kumar, AP / Mech.
Mr. K. Karthikeyan, AP / Mech.
No. of Participants : 50
Resource Person : Mr.B. Dinesh & Mr.R.Srivasan,
Profile of the Speaker : Engineers, Sanmar Engineering Technology, Chennai.
Summary of the Event:
The guest lecture on “Navigating your path: Strategies for Landing a Core Company” was organized by mechanical department, Society of Mechanical Engineering & Dept. of Alumni Affairs on 27/04/2024 at Mechanical Seminar Hall. The lecture aimed to provide insight into the opportunities for students in IT sector.
The speaker was an Alumni of Mechanical department who currently working in Sanmar Engineering Technology, Chennai. He is working in core manufacturing sector.
The Head of Department, Dr. Prassana Raj Yadav, gave the guest introduction in the beginning of the lecture. Then the speaker gave a brief introduction about the IT sector and how well it is developing. He then mentioned about the fields that are open for Mechanical engineers other their core companies. At the end of the event, the Head of Department, Dr. Prassana Raj Yadav, presented a memento to the Guest lecturer on behalf the department. Then, Dr. K. Thavasilingam, Asst. Prof., concluded the event by evening vote of thanks.