Nanotechnology In Robotics

The  Department of Robotics and Automation of Easwari Engineering College has organized the Expert talk on the topic Nanotechnology In Robotics,  24.05.2024, Friday, between 02:00 pm – 03:30 pm am for I year and II Students of RA at PG Block Gallery Hall, EEC

The Resource Person was Dr. G. Rajkumar, Professor , Department of Physics , Easwari Engineering  College  on the topic “Nanotechnology In Robotics”. The Convenor for the event was  Dr. V. Elango, HOD/RA and Mrs. K. Nandini & Dr. S. Rajkamal  the Co-ordinators.

The session delved into the introduction about Nanotechnology in robotics , nanomaterials properties, characteristics, nanocoolent and their heat transfer property, nanorobot based applications. This session gave insights on advancements in research of Nanorobots,  patents copyrights in the area and etc . The entire session was interesting and very informative, students gave their valuable feedback and expressed their view in the area of research.

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