Event Title: ISR Program – Career opportunities after School Education, St.Joseph Higher Secondary School, Chengelpattu.
Date : 14.10.23
Time : 12 -1.00 Pm
Venue: Online Platform – Google meet id: meet.google.com/wjf-wvdw-ist
Event Convenor: Dr.S.Lavanya Prabha, Dr.R.Gopalakrishnan.
Event Coordinator: Dr.S.Velrajkumar
No. of Participants: 65
Resource Person: Dr.S.Lavanya Prabha, Dr.R.Gopalakrishnan
Profile of the Speaker: Internal Speakers.
Department of Civil Engineering, EEC organized the School Programme as part of ISR Activity on 14.10.23 between 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm for St.Joseph Higher Secondary School, Chengelpattu through the online Platform Google meet. Mr.Ramesh Pandian given the welcome address and Dr.S.Lavanya Prabha, HOD of Civil Engineering gave the Lecture on the topic “Career opportunities after school Education”. Dr.R.Gopalakrishnan, Professor, Civil Engineering also the spoke on the topic Various Entrance Exams for admission into higher education. School students interacted with the faculty team and got benefited. Dr.G.Velrajkumar Civil ended the program with vote of thanks. 65 Students from 12th standard participated the programme.
We thank our management, Respected Chairman sir, Co-Chairman sir, for giving us this opportunity to share our knowledge to school students. We also thank our Chief Director sir, Director sir and Principal sir for their Continuous support to us and motivation for organizing this ISR program as a grand success.