Expert talk on  Current trends in biomedical

The Department Biomedical Engineering of Easwari Engineering College is organizing a Guest Lecture

Topic : Expert talk on  Current trends in biomedical

Resource Person :
1) Dr.G.Rajkumar, Professor, Department of Physics, EEC  -“Research is a journey”
2)Dr.V.Antony Aroul Raj, VP (Research ), Professor ,Department of Mechnical, EEC- “Quality research and documentation “

Date  : 21.05.2024

Time  : 1:30 pm – 03.30 pm

I and II year  Students of BME

GALLERY HALL , Fourth Floor, PG Block

Convenor :
Dr.G.Babu, HOD/BME.

Dr.M.Neela Harish , AP/BME

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