Operation, Control and Maintenance of Electrical Machines in Power Plants

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Easwari Engineering College organized Core teaching titled “Operation, Control and Maintenance of Electrical Machines in Power Plants” on 15.03.2024 for 2nd and 3rd year EEE Students. The lecture was delivered by Mr.Prabakar Tirouvingadame. K, Senior Manager – Electrical, Aquatherm Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.

Campus Corporate Connect

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Easwari Engineering College and Society of Mechanical Engineers Organized a Guest Lecture “Campus Corporate Connect” for 3rd year Mechanical Engineering students on 19-03-2024, Tuesday at 10.00 am. Mr. Ignicious Xavier, Full Stack Engineering Analyst, Accenture Pvt. Ltd, Chennai delivered the lecture on various aspects of requirements for a corporate environment. It […]

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